BYOD Setup on NTCS-BYOD Wi-Fi – Windows 11
These instructions contain several steps to setup a BYOD on the NTCS-BYOD
- Join the NTCS-BYOD wifi network
- Install NTSCHOOLS Netskope Certificates
- Configure proxy settings
Join NTCS-BYOD wifi network
1. Join the BYO device to NTCS-BYOD wifi network using the password provided.
Disable automatic Proxy Settings
1. Press Start menu and type Proxy.
2. From the search results select “Proxy Settings” in Systems settings
3. Ensure that “Automatically detect settings” is set to Off.
Install NTSCHOOLS Netskope Certificates
1. Open browser (Edge, Chrome etc.) and navigate to
2. Under the “Certificates” heading find and download both of the following certificates, Netskope Root Certificate and Netskope Intermediate Certificate

3. Open the “Downloads” folder where the browser put the certificates

4. Open the NetskopeRootCA certificate accepting the security warning

5. Select Install Certificate and then change Store Location to Local Machine and click Next

6. Change to Place all certificates in the following store then click Browse and choose Trusted Root Certification Authorities. Click OK then Finish

You should now see a message saying “The import was successful.”

7. Press OK and OK to finish up the install.
8. Repeat the process from step 3-7 to install the NetskopeIntermediateCA certificate but this time choose the Intermediate Certification Authorities store

Configure Proxy Settings
1. Press Start and type Proxy to open the Proxy Settings window in System Settings

2. Ensure the following settings

Automatically detect settings is Off
Use setup script is OFF
Manual proxy setup click Set up and enter the following
Proxy IP address:
Port: 8080

3. Click Save when finished
The settings in Step 2 need to be configured and turned on while the BYOD is connected to the NTCS-BYOD Wi-Fi network. When the device leaves the NTCS-BYOD Wi-Fi network then Manual proxy setup should be turned off.