Proxy Settings – Turn ON and OFF (Mac)
These instructions contain the steps on how to turn ON and OFF the proxy settings on a BYO device when on-campus or at home.
Important things to follow:
- WHEN AT SCHOOL: Proxy settings must be turned ON when at school or on-campus to give the computer access to the school’s internet.
- WHEN AT HOME: Proxy settings must be turned OFF when using the computer at home or off-campus so you can connect to a Wi-Fi other than the one at school.
Here are the steps to follow in order to do this:
- Click on the wifi icon and choose Open Network Preferences…

- Click on the padlock and enter your computer’s login credentials. Then click Unlock.

- Once unlocked, ensure your network is on NTCS-BYOD.Click on Advanced…

- Highlight the NTCS-BYOD network and click on Proxies.

5. The proxies window will come up. Tick both Web Proxy (HTTPS) and Secure Web Proxy (HTTPS) to turn it ON when on-campus or at school and untick them when at home.

6. Click OK and then click Apply on the next window to save the changes you’ve made.